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Regular price $179.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $179.00 USD
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The Aerocomet is an instrument preamp modeled after the renowned 1176 Rev. A (Blue Stripe) compressor's preamp section. Along with it's compression capabilities, the 1176 imparts remarkable coloration, and is known to be used in production with the compression circuit deactivated. I attribute some of that lovely coloration and harmonic content to the preamp stage, and after some tinkering I believe we have brought that tone to a pedal format. A variable gain control, along with a variable low pass filter have been added for increased range of use. The gain control will take the preamp from warm saturation up into fuzzy distortion, while the filter will let you dial back the HF content as needed.

Main tone takeaway: Mid/Low Focus and saturation, increased harmonics, mild-through-heavy breakup with gain control. Adds girth and color.

**Does not include power adapter**

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Christopher Hughes
Not Your Average Dirt Pedal !

I was fortunate enough to score Aerocomet #2 back in February of 2023, and I'm certainly glad I did ! I have always been impressed with the distinctive natural-sounding gain of vintage 1176 compressors, and having the preamp portion in a convenient pedal format has been a great addition to my gain options. James has built a well-designed and easy-to-use circuit that utilizes premium, audio-grade components for quiet operation and maximum tone versatility. Whether you're looking for just a hint of grit in your signal chain on up to a full-on fuzz overload, the Aerocomet can deliver in spades. The only possible drawback is the lack of control labels, but this is easily forgotten once you familiarize yourself with which knobs do what. The absence of labels does provide a cleaner and uncluttered aesthetic look, and the blue stripe pays homage to the original studio units upon which this pedal takes its' inspiration. The Aerocomet is a unique gain option in a sea of overdrive copycats and clones, and one I'm proud to own and use.